

SLTEC®’s Comprehensive Product Range

SLTEC® Fertilizers has developed an extensive list of products designed to suit a variety of situations and crop specific needs.

To help you find the right product for you, we have created a dynamic product list that can be searched and filtered.

Prescription Blends

SLTEC® has the ability to manufacture prescription blends to meet your specific nutrient requirements.

Contact us to discuss a solution that will work for you!

Flagship Products


8% Fish Emulsion, 8% Kelp, 8% Molasses, 6.6% Humic Acid

QuadSHOT® contains a carefully selected range of organic additives and biological stimulants. These ingredients stimulate soil biological activity, thereby improving the cycling and availability of plant nutrients and soil fertility and health. Together with management practices that enhance organic matter and soil structure development, this product assists in mobilizing available nutrients and improving plant uptake efficiencies.

BiologiCAL® PLUS

6.3% highly available, activated calcium plus organic boost

BiologiCAL® PLUS has been specifically formulated to provide a highly available and activated calcium source that is complimented with potassium and QuadSHOT® biological stimulant.

Baseline Plus

A complete (12-5-15) liquid combination of 16 nutrients and biostimulants

Baseline Plus has a complete and balanced NPK analysis suitable for fertigation and foliar application across a wide range of crops.

AquaLIME 38™

38% Calcium

AquaLIME 38™ is a highly flowable calcium carbonate suspension designed to deliver high purity, micronized particles to the soil to raise pH and improve soil structure. Through foliar application, it provides an extremely efficient source of calcium to crops.

Vine Recharge

(7-1-6) with 1.3% calcium and 0.3% magnesium

Vine Recharge™ is a blend of all 5 nutrients the vine requires in the correct ratios; providing the convenience of all your major nutrient requirements in one blend.


Multitrace blend containing S, Mg, Mn, Zn, Cu, Fe, B, Mo & Fulvic Acid

A foliar multi-trace element blend activated with Fulvic Acid (0.5%) to maximize uptake at lower rates than standard trace blends across a wide range of crops.